10 Fun Ways to Spend a Pregnant Mama’s Bed Rest

I was on Week 32 of my Pregnancy Journey # 2 when I found out my cervix is short. After several tests and a 3-day hospital confinement, I was required to stay in bed until the day I give birth. Being on bed rest is never easy for a mom, especially when you’re used to…

Preparing to Welcome Your Baby? How to Prep Their Room

Preparing for a new baby is an exciting time, but it can also be stressful. One of the most important thngs to prepare before your child is born is their room.  If you have been reading up on how to prepare for a newborn, then you know that there are many items that you need…

Fight Maternal Nutrient Deficiency

This photo was taken 3 years ago, a few weeks before I gave birth to our daughter Natacia. 🤰🏻 Pregnancy taught me to embrace a healthy diet (or at least try). Nutrition is very important for a soon to be mom. Whatever I ate affected not only my health but also my baby’s development. Every time…

Newborn Survival Guide from Johnson’s Baby

Preparing to care for a newborn (especially if you’re a first-time mom) can be overwhelming. With the many challenging pregnancy symptoms you’re experiencing, thinking of every item to place inside the hospital bag can be difficult for you. To make birthing preps easier, I’m sharing this cute guide from Johnson’s Baby to all excited soon-to-be…

Pregnancy+, a must have app for expectant moms🤰🏻

I can remember my excitement when I got pregnant three years ago. 🤰🏻 Being a first time preggy in a tech savvy generation, I googled every day everything I can about pregnancy. ☺️ Since it was my first time, I became very curious on how it is to be pregnant. From what will happen to…

What you can do for your child’s brain development during pregnancy

  Posting this article written by nutritionist Mary Jude Icasiano for my future reference (in case God grants us Baby # 2 someday) and as guide to my friends and blog readers who are expecting a bundle of joy 🙂 Happy pregnancy, mommies!   As an expectant mom, you want the best for your baby. That is…

Tips for traveling when pregnant

I was 3 months pregnant when my family had this Singapore-Malaysia vacation. I was blessed to have a healthy pregnancy two years ago. I’m thankful that pregnancy didn’t hinder me from working as well as doing the things I love. Are you pregnant but must travel? 🙂 Below are some of the things I did…

MooMa Newborn Kit, a must-have for every new momma

It’s been more than a year since I gave birth, but the blissful feeling I had when I gave birth to our first born is still fresh in my memory. It’s one of the most breathtaking moments of my life.  And yes, I can’t deny that despite the annoying new parent eyebags I developed, having…

Giving birth at Commonwealth Hospital and Medical Center

In choosing the birthing hospital for my first birth experience, my husband and I considered four important criteria: up-to-date facility, cleanliness, credibility of healthcare professionals, and reasonable cost of maternity package. While it was very tempting to consider the usual popular and expensive hospitals, my husband and I believed that quality of service couldn’t be…

My (First) Labor and Childbirth Story

In the morning of the 4th of December 2016, I woke up early and hurriedly brought my dirty clothes to the washing machine. With belly about to pop and without a household help, I had to finish all the chores really fast—laundry, cleaning of our unit, washing the dishes, folding and keeping newly washed clothes. …